Bicchieri di straordinaria bellezza in puro cristallo 24% incisi a mano da artigiani toscani.

Prodotto interamente in Italia.

1226 - User 'cristbaltrix' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 867)

SELECT pef.products_extra_fields_status as status, pef.products_extra_fields_name as name, ptf.products_extra_fields_value as value FROM products_extra_fields pef LEFT JOIN products_to_products_extra_fields ptf ON ptf.products_extra_fields_id=pef.products_extra_fields_id WHERE ptf.products_id=1406 and ptf.products_extra_fields_value<>'' and (pef.languages_id='0' or pef.languages_id='4') ORDER BY products_extra_fields_order


1226 - User 'cristbaltrix' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 867)

select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = 'a66a50c73a800c27649b1b1ea0a24f88'